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The Change & Joy Approach

change change leadership Jul 18, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

We believe change and joy go together.

As a Change Management Professional, one of the reasons why change work is hard is because you can build a thorough, grounded change plan and run into a trust problem detour. Now you’re outside of traditional Change Management and into a specialty area.

Of course, your plan is designed to build trust and all of the dimensions of Joy at Work, but you can find yourself challenged to be seen as a trusted advisor for these dimensions.

This is advanced territory.

The Change & Joy approach includes the growth of these dimensions inside a structured change process because…

  1. This is what leaders need from you today; they need/want this advice.
  2. When change is introduced, dormant issues always emerge; you may as well be prepared.
  3. You can do this!

Our Change Management Certification Program gives you skills to recognize these dimensions in action and a structured approach to grow the dimensions as part of the change process.