Joy at Work Thinking
Written by Roxanne Brown
Some quotes from recent Joy Research interviews…
“Talent is the whole game.”
“The definition of a great place to work has evolved over the last year.”
“We spend so much of our lives at work, the standards for who you work for ought...
Written by Roxanne Brown
In a Joy Research Interview this week, a senior executive said this year one of the biggest changes that happened in her company is it became okay to talk about feelings at work. It started at the top. It started with one executive admitting how he was feeling, and...
Written by Ed Cook
As we grow up, Respect is something we are taught to give. Children are told to respect their teachers and coaches and other adults. The Judeo-Christian Bible commands Respect for parents, placing the commandment, “Honor Thy Father and Mother, ” after commandments...
Written by Ed Cook
Trust shows up frequently as a corporate value, a desirable commodity. It is inscribed on our money (“In God We Trust”) and in our nation’s official motto. But for something that is valued so highly, organizations struggle to explain what...
Written by Roxanne Brown
In every Joy Research interview with a CEO or senior leader, we always ask this question at the end…
“If we’re successful in our research, what questions would you wish we could answer?”
Here are a few they’ve given:
• Is joy the...
Written by Ed Cook
Written by Ed Cook
Joy Research
Since the start of 2020, we have engaged in a fascinating project: Joy Research. This plays into informing the mission of The Change Decision - to bring Joy at Work. We have been interviewing CEOs and senior leaders about how leading teams, managing...
Written by Roxanne Brown
Empathy became a popular word to use at work a few years ago. Have you thought about it lately?
I admit I can be a bit jaded about words that become popular in the workplace because I’ve seen them enter the vernacular with good intention, then end up being...