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Joy at Work Thinking

Conducting Joy change leadership joy at work management Dec 08, 2019

Written by Ed Cook

While watching a symphony or orchestra or choir, I’ve often wondered what the value of a conductor is to the other musicians. Afterall other music groups seem to do fine without one. Rock bands, jazz groups, a cappella ensembles, all manage without a conductor. I got an...

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What is your context? change leadership joy at work Sep 10, 2019

Written by Roxanne Brown

In work, I often feel pressure to offer others a perspective or something else that may be valuable within just one conversation. That means giving something without attachment to whether or not it’s received as I intend. I recognize the limitations of that...

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I did it! what? change leadership joy at work Apr 19, 2019
Written by Ed Cook
Recently, I successfully defended my dissertation. That sentence is an incredible understatement of my emotions. The lead up to the day of the defense was laden with anxiety. Despite the affirmation of certain success from so many friends and family, I was not certain. As I...
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Feedback Foibles change leadership development Mar 15, 2019
Written by Ed Cook
For much of my corporate career, I have heard: “feedback is a gift.” I think it is a gift I’d prefer to give back. Apparently, I’m not the only one. In their new book, Nine Lies About Work, Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall discuss the growing disdain...
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Meaning Inspired by Mission change leadership joy at work Feb 02, 2019
Written by Ed Cook
Is there anything that brings on the overwhelming urge to yawn more than a corporate mission or vision statement? This is supposed to be the company’s description of what it means to work there. It is the expression of direction. But, (yawn) is often an example of...
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Letting Go to Make a Ruckus change leadership leadership Sep 27, 2018

Written by Lauren DeSimone

This past July I participated in Seth Godin’s altMBA. The altMBA is designed as an alternative business course for “high-performing individuals who want to level up and lead.” Seth Godin calls these individuals ruckus makers because...
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Team Engagement change leadership team engagement Sep 14, 2018
Written by Ed Cook
The last three months can be a pivotal time of year. Vacations are finished. The press of work and the hustle for families have returned. It’s easy to get lost in what is right in front of you instead of concentrating on your end-of-year goals. Don’t let that...
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Balance, not just Prioritization change leadership joy at work Aug 26, 2018
Written by Ed Cook
There are a slew of books, blogs, and podcasts circulating that tout the value of prioritization. Essentialism by Greg McKeown, The One Thing podcast, even The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey all talk about...
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Determined change change leadership Feb 15, 2018

Written by Roxanne Brown

There are lots of times when I’ve thought (exasperated), why can’t I do anything about this?!
I read endlessly about change. I’ve advised countless executives and practitioners on the ways and means of getting change done. I’m...
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Focus the Struggle change leadership management Jan 29, 2018
Written by Ed Cook
On February 14, 1990, the scientist of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) turned Voyager 1 around to face the solar system. The spacecraft was just beyond the orbit of Neptune and on its way toward interstellar space. While out there, Voyager 1 took what came to be known as...
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How to Build and Sustain Trust on a Virtual Team change leadership virtual teams Nov 16, 2017

Written by Ed Cook

What is Trust? And, why do we want to build it? These may not have the easy answers the simplicity of the question suggests. Let’s start with the concept of Trust. We place our trust “in” things and people, like, “I’ll put my trust in this old...
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