Joy at Work Thinking
Written by Roxanne Brown
As a leader, your words and actions have a big influence on how others experience the change you introduce. Even so, your people can decide how well they adapt and how they experience the change.
It’s a partnership.
Your job is to tune in to how people are...
Written by Roxanne Brown
We believe change and joy go together.
As a Change Management Professional, one of the reasons why change work is hard is because you can build a thorough, grounded change plan and run into a trust problem detour. Now you’re outside of traditional Change...
Written by Roxanne Brown
Written by Ed Cook
Written by Ed Cook
Joy Research
Since the start of 2020, we have engaged in a fascinating project: Joy Research. This plays into informing the mission of The Change Decision - to bring Joy at Work. We have been interviewing CEOs and senior leaders about how leading teams, managing...
Written by Ed Cook
If ever there was a time for introspection, it has got to be now. A pandemic that is devastating the world economically and psychically. A lock-down that has driven so many of us to isolation both physically and emotionally. An uncertain future as to when this will ease...
Written by Roxanne Brown
I'm struck by the more frequent, genuine kindness in language and actions today, especially at work. Checking on others. Showing real concern. Smiling wider at seeing someone appear on a video call. Space given on those calls to listen to what others are going...
Written by Ed Cook
As we go further into the COVID-19 pandemic, the prevalence of low-level anxiety is increasing. The end is uncertain. We may have much further to go. Although many have a low probability of danger from the virus, the very existence of a global pandemic...
Written by Roxanne Brown
Empathy became a popular word to use at work a few years ago. Have you thought about it lately?
I admit I can be a bit jaded about words that become popular in the workplace because I’ve seen them enter the vernacular with good intention, then end up being...
Written by Ed Cook
As we all scramble because of the COVID-19 outbreak of the coronavirus to move to virtual work that means virtual meetings. Anything that has not gone well with our in-person meetings is going to go even more horribly with your virtual meetings. Every distraction,...
Written by Ed Cook
With the coronavirus raging across the world and organizations asking people to stay home, we will all need to learn how to work better virtually. There are certainly practical tips for conducting a meeting virtually that you can review here. Also important in a virtual...
Written by Ed Cook
The words coach and mentor are often used interchangeably making distinctions between them murky. This is unfortunate because the value of each can be tremendous for a person’s career, but where and how that value shows up is significant. Furthering the...