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Joy at Work Thinking

Your Positive Ripple Effect change leadership joy at work Oct 30, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

Leaders often want more change than their team can handle. That’s because they have a vision they want to see come to life. They can see it! They also know it cannot happen without their people. They regularly wrestle with patience, openness to how change...

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When Someone Leaves the Company change leadership joy at work Oct 28, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

When someone leaves the company, it’s not just about that person. It’s about that person and all of the people that are impacted by their departure.

Even if the person’s departure is a relief, it’s still a loss. Even if a person’s...

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How would you describe the best team you've ever led or been part of? change leadership team engagement Oct 15, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

When we ask people to describe the best team they’ve ever led or been part of, they usually say things like:

• We had each other’s back
• We had a hard goal to overcome and we were clear on the destination
• It was hard but we all focused

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Nurturing Trust change leadership joy research Oct 06, 2020

Written by Ed Cook

Trust shows up frequently as a corporate value, a desirable commodity.  It is inscribed on our money  (“In God We Trust”) and in our nation’s official motto.  But for something that is valued so highly, organizations struggle to explain what...

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Measuring Change change leadership Oct 04, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

When you’re leading change, how do you know you’re getting anywhere? How do you measure progress?

Measuring change progress does not need to be exact. It only needs to be directionally correct to lead to useful and actionable insights. The best place to...

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Change Can Grow Joy change leadership joy at work Oct 02, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

Change can grow joy. An executive we spoke with recently referred to change as the destroyer of joy. It’s such a fascinating statement when you consider some of the phrases we use in business:

  • Disruptive innovation
  • Failing fast
  • Digital transformation


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Joy Research Interview change leadership joy research Sep 30, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

In every Joy Research interview with a CEO or senior leader, we always ask this question at the end…

“If we’re successful in our research, what questions would you wish we could answer?”

Here are a few they’ve given:
• Is joy the...

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What's the story behind that name? change leadership Sep 23, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

When Ed presented his decision analysis PhD research at INFORMS (Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences) conferences, no one asked about the math. What they asked was, “How did you get the organization to implement the decision?”


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Joy at Work for... change leadership joy at work Sep 18, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

Joy at Work for…

  • Career path planning: How do you want work to feel? What work cultures do you thrive in? What companies, industries or types of work have these cultures?
  • Job interviewing: What tells you the company, team or job role will be a place you can...
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Grateful versus Superior change leadership joy at work Sep 10, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

There’s a fine line between gratitude and superiority. The subtext of “I am grateful for all I have” versus “I am superior because of all I have.” It’s all about the intent. It’s why sometimes the offer of help is seen as a...

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When Leaders Introduce Change change change leadership joy at work Sep 06, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

When leaders introduce change employees pay more attention to the words and actions of the leaders and influencers in the company. That’s because they’re trying to make sense of what’s happening and understand how they can be successful in this...

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Leader as a Calming Force change leadership leadership Sep 04, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

As a leader, sometimes you need to be a calming force for your people when change is happening. Sometimes you need to inspire and motivate but sometimes being a calming force is what people need.

This applies to the Change Professional too. Leaders and Change...

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