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Joy at Work Thinking

What-if Scenarios: Risks Change Professionals navigate every day change change leadership leadership Jun 17, 2021

Part of the What-if Series: Risks Change Professionals navigate every day. What do you do as a Change Professional when you've just started on a project that's been in progress for a long time already?

Many Change Professionals believe that they're at a disadvantage when they don't start on a...

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Are You a Great Change Leader? change change leadership development leadership Apr 17, 2021

Written by Ed Cook

It’s a fascinating exercise to pose the question, “Are you a great Change Leader?”  The personae that tend to emerge break in one of two directions,  Lawyer or Scientist.

The Lawyer will begin with a recitation of presumably amazing evidence...

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In Search of Meaningful Work joy at work leadership Mar 15, 2021

Written by Roxanne Brown

Imagine this: You love your work. You love being absorbed by it. You feel your life’s purpose reflected in the work you do and you can see the impact it’s having. Your family and friends are proud of you and the work you do. They can see why...

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Rethinking What Work Means in Life joy at work Mar 01, 2021

Written by Roxanne Brown

Today, many people are asking themselves what it means to work. Most of us have to work to financially support ourselves and others, to be safe in this world, and to create the life we want to have. Because that’s true it gets complicated. There are a lot of...

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If You Think Change Will Be Hard, It Will Be change change leadership leadership Feb 27, 2021

Written by Roxanne Brown

If you think change will be hard, it will be. We’ve seen it over and over again. If you believe your people can’t handle change or don’t like change then you are pretty much guaranteeing that it won’t go well. If you believe that your people...

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Disagreement Might Actually Be Engagement or Even Progress joy at work team engagement Feb 22, 2021

Written by Roxanne Brown

Instead of feeling defensive and beat up by a conversation at work that’s filled with debate, maybe you should feel excited!

Sometimes what looks or sounds like disagreement is actually a sign that people are trying to engage with your idea.

When people ask...

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How To Be Adaptable joy at work Feb 20, 2021

Written by Roxanne Brown

The trick to adaptability is to have a strong point of view based on your experience and expertise yet hold a state of openness to take in and lightly evaluate new information, to see how your perspective changes and see if there’s any utility in that shift...

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What is Joy at Work? joy at work Feb 20, 2021

Written by Roxanne Brown

We see Joy at Work as this…an employee’s willingness to:

Commit, Participate, be Accountable
Belong and act with Cohesion
Adapt and Grow
Demonstrate Respect
Act with Integrity

Joy at Work exists when…

  1. The company, leaders, and managers...
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What it Means to be Adaptable at Work joy at work Feb 19, 2021

Written by Roxanne Brown

Being adaptable at work means you’re willing to learn and evolve or expand your thinking. It means you’re willing to accept that some situations require different ways of doing things. Yes, you have experience that tells you what’s wise but you...

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Our Vision of Work Can Be change leadership joy at work leadership Feb 18, 2021

Written by Roxanne Brown

The first time we created Joy at Work on a team (a huge group of 250 people located all over the country), everyone asked us how we did it…

Was it more…

• Team lunches?
• Ice cream socials?
• Scavenger hunts?
• Roleplay simulations?

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Why Belonging is Important for Joy joy at work Feb 18, 2021

Written by Roxanne Brown

Why is belonging an important contributor to joy in the workplace?
When people are willing to belong there is greater potential for the integration of unique talents among team members to solve problems. When people feel valued by their organization they are...

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How Do I Know I Belong? joy at work Feb 15, 2021

Written by Roxanne Brown

How do my work colleagues, leaders, and company tell me I belong?

* When there’s specific acknowledgment of my work, capabilities, and contributions by others
* When I’m included in work projects and conversations that are specific to my unique...

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