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Joy at Work Thinking

Grateful versus Superior change leadership joy at work Sep 10, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

There’s a fine line between gratitude and superiority. The subtext of “I am grateful for all I have” versus “I am superior because of all I have.” It’s all about the intent. It’s why sometimes the offer of help is seen as a...

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Do You Need a Leader or a Manager? team effectiveness Sep 07, 2020

Written by Ed Cook

The words leader and manager often are used interchangeably, and with that slipshod usage, their individual meanings can be lost.  Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis are often quoted as saying:

“Management is doing the things right and Leadership is doing the...

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The Leadership Bubble leadership teamwork Sep 07, 2020

Written by Ed Cook

Leaders, who help to develop the skills and capabilities of their teammates, are giving a gift that returns again and again. These brave leaders are attempting a process that can be both difficult to do and even damaging if not carefully done. What makes this such a...

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When Leaders Introduce Change change change leadership joy at work Sep 06, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

When leaders introduce change employees pay more attention to the words and actions of the leaders and influencers in the company. That’s because they’re trying to make sense of what’s happening and understand how they can be successful in this...

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Leader as a Calming Force change leadership leadership Sep 04, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

As a leader, sometimes you need to be a calming force for your people when change is happening. Sometimes you need to inspire and motivate but sometimes being a calming force is what people need.

This applies to the Change Professional too. Leaders and Change...

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Thank You for Showing Up change leadership leadership Sep 02, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

As a leader you learn things about yourself you may not like. It’s part of the deal and it’s also incredibly personal. This is one of the many reasons why leadership is hard on the leader. You can be misinterpreted and mischaracterized in a moment....

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Own Your Impact change leadership joy at work team engagement Aug 31, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

Own your impact. You were hired because you matter so do the work as if your work matters.

If your employer doesn’t know your work matters then you might consider a change in the future. Not to run away but to give yourself the gift of something better for...

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The Subtext of Conflict change leadership joy at work team engagement Aug 25, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

Sometimes this is the subtext of work conflict:

Employee to employer: I feel hurt by the way you treated me. [I work hard for you and this company.]

Employer to employee: I feel hurt by the way you treated me. [I’ve invested a lot in you, for you and this...

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Joy at Work is not Happiness all the Time change leadership joy at work Aug 01, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

Joy at Work is not rainbows and unicorns and happiness all the time. Experience and research indicate that we do our best work when these are present: Trust, integrity, belonging, cohesion, participation, dedication, responsibility, adaptability, growth.

The Joy at...

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Change is a Partnership change change leadership leadership Jul 31, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

As a leader, your words and actions have a big influence on how others experience the change you introduce. Even so, your people can decide how well they adapt and how they experience the change.

It’s a partnership.

Your job is to tune in to how people are...

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The Change & Joy Approach change change leadership Jul 18, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

We believe change and joy go together.

As a Change Management Professional, one of the reasons why change work is hard is because you can build a thorough, grounded change plan and run into a trust problem detour. Now you’re outside of traditional Change...

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Virtual Meeting Joy change leadership management virtual teams Jul 10, 2020

Written by Roxanne Brown

Have meetings become friendlier? When a colleague’s child bursts on your screen to show you their toy, does that make people laugh? When a cat jumps up on the back of a colleague’s chair, does that bring smiles? Working from home is a lot of things....
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